Tax Hotline

202-618-7058 Hours: 9am-6pm EST M-F;  9am-3pm EST Sat

2024 Tax Season Is Here!!!

Avoid Doing it Yourself

For Your Individual and Business Tax Returns (Federal & State), Try Us. You Wiil Find Out Why Others Did.

Tax Consultants

We are IRS Tax Professionals, Planners, Accountants, Strategic Management & Business Consultants. We Strive for Excellence to Exceed each Client's Expectations.

We Do All 50 States Tax Returns

Our firm is registered, licensed and specialized to practice and prepare tax returns in all 50 states.

Interested in Fund-raising?

Utilize our Unique Fund-raising Platform, The Global Referral Program (GRP)

No Limitations

No Worries. No Limitations!!!

For Your Free Consultation 24/7, Contact Us Via our Tax Hotline: (202) 618-7058, By Email:, or by Fax: (202) 888-6724

Interested In Raising Funds for Non-Profit Entities, Religious Groups or Humanitarian Causes?

We equally match each referral fee donated to non-profits, religious groups and humanitarian causes. For details, check out the quick presentation for the Global Referral Program (GRP) and the Pay Plan below.

Our special Advise

Avoid Doing it Yourself

There are downsides likely to minimize your side, unless you are aware of the hundreds of regulational changes that impact both federal and state tax landscapes every year. It is for these reasons and more that the IRS required tax preparers to pass the Annual Filing Season Program exams for continued education. Statistics shows that over 95% of 'Do - it - yourselves' got burnt and settle for Minimum. Don't Settle for That - TRY US!!!

Experience Why Taxpayers Nationwide are increasingly counting on our tax planning and tax preparation services.

Make a "Smart" Move! Don't Trap Yourself and Settle for 'Whatever'! You are better than that. Let us help you get the Maximum you deserve. Our firm is proficient in this business and we are here for you, our clients.

We are a member in good standing listed in the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service’s directory ( and we are also member in good standing listed in the National Directory of Registered Tax Returns Preparers and Professionals (


Staffed with qualified and experienced tax professionals, and proficient with state of the art technologies in this environment, we have cultivated a culture of providing and delivering professional services online (including filing our clients tax returns) in a highly secured and encrypted environment with ZERO percent chance of compromising client confidentiality; mitigating risk without subjecting or inconveniencing clients with the burden and costs of traveling or waiting long agonizing hours for services. Because we recognize and value your time, we have developed this culture to work with you from the comfort of you home and at your convenience.

Client's first step in the process is to electronically fill out and submit the Taxpayer Questionnaire Form Or
If client does not have the ability to electronically fill out and submit the Taxpayer Questionnaire Form, then he/she may download it from any of the formats below, fill it out, fax or email it to us with all copy of related documentations, such as W2s, 1099s, Driving Licenses, Dependents IDs etc. at (202) 888-6734, or mail to Global Alliance Solutions, 12774 Wisteria Drive, Suite 2021, Germantown MD 20875. (Please do not send or mail original documents to us unless it is necessary.) We will acknowledge receipt of your complete package and assign your work to one of our professionals who will keep in close contact with you until your job is satisfactorily completed and filed with your state and federal governments. Before we file your returns a supervisor will discuss the returns with you and copy of returns will be furnished you for your record.

The Questionnaire Form comes with a payment authorization form that taxpayer MUST fill to pay for services rendered. Our charges for professional services are generally below one percent of annual gross income listed here. From this chart, you can determine our charges as a percentage of gross annual income. If you need any help here, please contact us.

Taxpayer Questionnaire Form - Electronic Fillable

Tax Return Questionnaire Form - PDF

Tax Return Questionnaire Form - Word

Interested in Fund-raising?

Utilize our Unique Fund-raising Platform, The Global Referral Program (GRP)

The GRP is simply a dynamic fund raising platform – a concept wherein referrers across the globe with ties to United States taxpayers refers them (US Taxpayers) to our firm for federal and states tax returns preparation services in return for referral fees, bonuses, residuals and direct contributions to their choice of charity.

Please see our fees and bonus plan

You can live anywhere in the world and refer a US Taxpayer you have ties with or a US Taxpayer/Referrer can select you as recipient for the same benefit we offer. Referring a US taxpayer to our firm and receiving a confirmation that your referral has been accepted is made simple and easy via electronic forms.

To refer a family, friend or business:

Referral Form

United States Taxpayer Accepting Referral Form:

Acceptance & Commitment

When referrers fill in and submit the referral form, an email invitation will instantly transmit to the US Taxpayer who is being referred. When he or she (US Taxpayer) accepted your referral, you (the referrer) will receive a confirmation email in return. After our firm successfully executed the services and got paid, referrers' fees and the equivalent matching contributions to their respective charity are remitted at the end of the tax season on or before April 30th, each year.